
Your Way is our Way - Customization

Customization is the key feature of our solutions. A very unique and easy to use incorporated admin section gives you the power to customize and manage your portal the way your business needs.

DIGI Lab - Our Web Portal Templates

Avalon Solution offers a variety of elegant templates and color themes for your portal. Templates and themes enable you to customize your portal to reflect your business brand. In addition, these templates give you a multitude of customizable tabs, which enable you to present information about your services, your products, your current promotions and marketing programs and a lot more.

Mobility Personified - Mobile Ready Feature

Avalon Solution provides the latest integrated web service modules that provide mobile ready features for your business or service. The internet is no longer just on the desktop, the touch points have increased and are vast. The explosions of Smartphone’s coming into the marketplace have created an overnight marketing opportunity to those who look at enhancing their business opportunities. Day after day and minute after minute, more and more people use their I-phones, Black-Berries, Androids and other Smartphone’s to find businesses and research, browse and purchase products on their hand sets, and we at Avalon Solution are here to provide a rich platform to exploit this amazing opportunity.

Virtual Shopping - E-Commerce Cart

E-commerce simply facilitates the buying and selling of merchandise in a secure and trusted way over the Internet. Internet E-Commerce is one of the most important sales and marketing channel in today’s business environment. The amount of trade conducted over the internet has grown exponentially disrupting old ways of conducting businesses and presenting unique opportunities to those who are willing to adapt to these changes. Avalon Solution provides a unique E-Commerce experience with its E-Commerce cart.